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Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is the branch of dentistry that focuses on operations involving the mouth, jaws, facial bones, and related structures. In general, it’s called oral and maxillofacial surgery or simply oral surgery when this is the main focus. Doctors perform oral surgery to remove or repair damaged or diseased tissue in the mouth, such as a tumor, infection, inflammation, or cyst. This type of surgery is also used to correct crooked teeth.

What are the Benefits of oral surgery?

Tooth restoration may require several visits to the dentist. For example, if the tooth has been damaged by decay, it might need to be removed and replaced with a newly extracted tooth.

Here are the benefits of oral surgery

  1. After the surgery, medications are prescribed to reduce swelling and pain (for example, oral pain medications called anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  2. If a tooth has been removed, dentures are often prescribed, which are artificial teeth made of plastic. Dentures may be made of porcelain or gold; the color and shape will depend on the patient’s preference. The dentist might also recommend that the patient wears an orthodontic appliance to correct dental alignment and improve appearance.
  3. If you need more than one surgery during your oral surgery, it might be necessary to repeat some of these procedures (for example, a second surgery to remove more tissue). It’s also possible that more surgeries may be needed later (for example, to remove a cyst or other condition).
  4. The doctors perform oral surgery that may be unable to remove the entire tumor or cyst. The oral surgeon will refer you to a specialist dentist or medical doctor with advanced training to remove the remaining parts of the tumor/cyst.
  5. If you have severely damaged teeth, the dentist may recommend a dental implant to replace them with a new one. In this case, you will make appointments at several visits with your implanted doctor at least six months apart to replace your implants with crowns and bridges after the implant has fully integrated into your jaw (which usually takes six months).
  6. Removal of wisdom teeth (the third molars) is often done as an outpatient procedure in which you go home the same day. The surgery usually takes less than an hour, and you will probably be given some pain medication to take with you. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics and other drugs to prevent infection and reduce swelling and pain, including some taken by mouth.
  7. To help relieve post-operative pain, the dentist may give you a prescription for oral pain medicines like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol). As with any treatment, it’s essential to read and follow the instructions on how to take the medications before using them.
  8. Only certain oral surgeons have the training, skills, and equipment necessary to perform oral surgery. This means that the dentist needs to choose an oral surgeon who is experienced and skilled in performing oral surgery. However, many surgeons can perform minor surgical procedures (such as cleaning and removing plaque from teeth) without performing major surgeries on teeth.
  9. Dentists can perform oral surgery in hospitals, clinics, or private offices (in case you choose to pay privately). Many insured dental plans provide coverage for selected types of oral surgery, so it’s important to tell your dentist if you have a dental insurance plan before your appointment.

Who is it for

Dentists can perform oral surgery in hospitals, clinics, or private offices (in case you choose to pay privately). Many insured dental plans provide coverage for selected oral surgery, so it’s important to tell your dentist if you have a dental insurance plan before your appointment.

What is Periodontal Treatment?

A mouthwash which prevents gum disease and bad breath. Periodontal treatment is very popular amongst dentists who recommend it as a preventative measure to reduce the risk of heart, kidney, lung and other system problems.

Most dental offices currently offer this treatment for their patients. However, some people can’t afford it or don’t have access to a dentist because they live in rural areas or outside of countries that accept insurance coverage for dental care.

The procedure is done by a periodontist. The periodontist can only perform this treatment on patients who are referred to him by their physician. They will examine the gums from several angles and offer advice on how to treat the gum disease.

This involves cleaning deposits, flossing, and tooth brushing. Once the treatment is complete, it will alleviate the symptoms of bad breath, gum problems, and infection in the mouth area.

Which Benefits can I expect?

i. Gum inflammation is reduced.

By reducing inflammation in the gum tissue, you have a chance to reduce its potential to cause pain and swelling. The risk of losing the gums can be reduced when gum disease is diagnosed in its early stages. When gums recede, they expose the tooth roots, which can lead to bone loss over time. This is a sign that someone is suffering from periodontal disease.

Gum disease can lead to a few other health problems in the long run. It is one of the major causes of heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes. Gum inflammation and infection can cause inflammation in other parts of your body as well.

ii. Bad breath elimination

This condition is also commonly known as halitosis, and it can be very embarrassing for many people. Many times it can be mistaken for a breath of death. Bad breath can be caused by an infection in the oral cavity. Bacteria, along with other germs, can be trapped in between the teeth and the gums.

This allows the bad odors to escape through the oral cavity and into your mouth. Many people brush their teeth three times a day; however, they are not always able to get rid of this odor because they do not know how to do it correctly or frequently enough.

Bad breath can also be caused by excessive smoking, eating certain foods, and drinking alcohol. Mouthwash is effective in eliminating bad breath. A mouthwash that contains alcohol can dry the bad breath smell out of your mouth. By using a mouthwash with fluoride such as Listerine, you kill the germs in your mouth that cause the bad odor. Fluoride prevents cavities and other oral discomforts.

Who is it For

Periodontal treatment is typically recommended for those people who have gum disease or those who have symptoms of it. People who suffer from gum disease are more susceptible to heart, kidney, and lung diseases. Gum disease can lead to severe infections, which can cause people to need treatment in the hospital.

Medical professionals recommend drinking water that is fluoridated as well as brushing your teeth every morning and night, flossing your teeth nightly, and using a mouthwash such as Listerine at least once a day. By doing this, you can prevent gum disease.

If your dentist or physician thinks you have signs of gum disease, they will refer you to a periodontist. Once your doctor refers you, the periodontist will examine the condition of your gums and offer advice on how to treat them. After he offers the advice and treatment, he will then perform the procedure, which typically takes about two hours.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a type of dental restoration that is used to cover a tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal. Crowns are an important tool in restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury.

Benefits of dental crowns

Crowns offer many benefits, including:

– restoring the function of a damaged tooth

– improving the appearance of a tooth

– protecting a weak tooth from further damage

– supporting a dental bridge

Who is a good candidate for dental crowns?

Dental crowns are typically recommended for people who have:

Here are just a few of the reasons why you may want to consider dental crowns:

If you have stained or discolored teeth, dental crowns can help to cover up these blemishes and give you a whiter, brighter smile.

If you have misshapen or chipped teeth, dental crowns can help to restore the natural shape of your teeth and give you a more uniform appearance.

If you have gaps in your teeth, dental crowns can be used to close up these spaces and give you a more seamless smile.

If you have teeth that are worn down from grinding or other habits, dental crowns can help to protect these teeth from further damage and restore them to their original size and shape.

If you have a tooth that is cracked or broken, a dental crown can help to hold the pieces of the tooth together and prevent further damage.

If you have a tooth that is severely decayed, a dental crown can help to preserve what remains of the tooth and prevent the need for extraction.

If you have had a root canal procedure, a dental crown can be used to protect the tooth from further damage.

Dental crowns are also often used in conjunction with other dental procedures, such as bridges or implants, to give you the best possible results. If you are considering any type of dental work, be sure to ask your dentist if dental crowns may be right for you.

How are dental crowns placed?

The process of placing a dental crown usually takes place over two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the tooth will be prepared for the crown, and an impression will be made. This impression will be used to create a model of the tooth, which will be used to create the custom dental crown.

During the second visit, the dental crown will be placed on the prepared tooth and checked for fit. Once the fit is confirmed, the crown will be cemented into place.

What to expect after getting dental crowns?

After getting dental crowns, it is normal to experience some sensitivity. This typically lasts for a few days and can be relieved with over-the-counter pain medication. It is also important to avoid hard and sticky foods until you get used to eating with your new crowns.

FAQs about dental crowns

Q: How long do dental crowns last?

A: With proper care, dental crowns can last for many years. However, they may eventually need to be replaced due to wear and tear or damage.

Q: Are dental crowns covered by insurance?

A: Dental insurance typically covers a portion of the cost of dental crowns. However, coverage varies depending on the individual insurance plan

Q: How much do dental crowns cost?

A: The cost of dental crowns depends on the material used, the dentist, and the location. In general, dental crowns can range in price from $500 to $3000.

To conclude, dental crowns are a type of dental restoration that is used to cover a tooth in order to restore its shape, size, and strength. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal. Crowns are an important tool in restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury.

Benefits of Teeth Extraction

It is sometimes necessary for teeth to be extracted. This is often due to a condition or ailment that may not be able to be treated with restorative dentistry, such as irreversible tooth decay, pain caused by an overbite, or gum disease. Extraction will only take place after careful consideration and discussion with the patient.

One of the most common reasons for tooth extraction is when there has been irreversible damage due to tooth decay. This can occur when the tooth gets infected and is not treated appropriately over a long period of time or if the decay has become so advanced that not even dental fillings can help.

This type of tooth decay is known as dental caries, and it destroys the enamel – the hard outer coating on teeth. Sometimes, there may be extensive decay that has occurred below the gum line in a tooth, and the gum tissue may have begun to dissolve away, creating pockets for bacteria to collect in.

What it is

Teeth are made up of two parts; roots and crown.

The root is the part of your tooth which grows downward into your jawbone. It has a protective coating to prevent bacteria and decay from getting to the pulp, the nerve tissue within the tooth. The root is connected with a nerve via what’s known as a pulp canal. Any damage to this canal can lead to infection and abscesses (pockets of pus) in the root itself.

The crown is the part of your tooth that sits above the root, and it’s made up of a hard outer layer and a soft inner layer. It contains nerves as well, and it’s connected to the root by way of a tiny canal known as a canaliculus. This canal is also susceptible to infection if there is damage to it.

The structure of the teeth makes them very easy to break because they are so easily fractured. When a tooth is broken, it can be so badly damaged that it is no longer feasible to treat it with dental fillings.

A tooth’s position in the mouth means that it can also be damaged if it is knocked. In England, one in six children will suffer tooth decay by the age of fourteen and by twenty-one, half of all adults will have had at least one decayed or extracted tooth.


  1. More permanent solution than fillings
  2. Saved tooth pulp can be used to recreate a tooth in future
  3. Prevents further decay and preserves bone surrounding the tooth
  4. Less expensive than dental implants or bridges
  5. Less invasive than crowns and root canal treatment
  6. Caution: teeth are permanent and unless dead, can never be removed surgically
  7. Possible complications: bleeding, infection, cracked teeth, perforation in gums or jawbone (although rare)
  8. May need to be put in an electric chair
  9. If a tooth is extracted from the gum, lip or cheekbone, it may have to be done again later
  10. Dents in the face from extraction may not be covered by insurance as a cosmetic procedure.


Who is it for:

  1. Those with irreversible tooth decay that cannot be treated with fillings
  2. Those suffering from gum disease
  3. Those who have had a bad accident and breaks too many teeth to treat with fillings
  4. Those who are too frightened to go through a root canal treatment
  5. People who want the option of using their own tooth to replace the missing one
  6. Those who want to avoid part of the root canal treatment
  7. Those who want an implant or bridge but can’t afford it
  8. Those that are too young for an implant or bridge or older people with low bone density
  9. People that can’t have a bridge fitted because they have been treated with chemotherapy and the teeth must be kept intact are not recommended:



Tooth Extraction can be a safe and cost-effective way of storing tooth tissue. For example, if you need to have a tooth removed due to decay, infection or trauma. Your dentist will make the decision about which teeth to extract and there is no need to rush the process unless it is causing you pain.

Advantage of Root Canal

Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment is a treatment for the last 10-15 mm of the root of a tooth. If you have advanced gum disease, live with diabetes or take certain medications that can cause severe gum problems and infection, your dentist will be able to help you over at

Your dentist will use anaesthesia to numb your mouth and the tooth before he can get to work. The infected pulp is removed with special instruments and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and filled with disinfected material.

One or more crowns or fillings may be placed to protect the tooth from damage or decay. If your tooth is badly damaged by decay, a crown or filling may need to be added to the tooth to restore it.

A follow-up visit will be necessary after your root canal treatment and the dentist will check that there is no infection. With proper care and contact with your dental practice, many root canal teeth can last for a lifetime.

Root canal benefits

If you have an infected tooth, your dentist might recommend root canal treatment. This involves the removal of the pulp, dentin, and/or nerve at the base of a decayed tooth. A root canal can also refer to the entire canal system that includes two or more teeth.

With root canals, most dental problems are fixed and you will not need further treatments. It is an affordable option, too.

Dental pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, connective tissues and lymphatic tissues that allow your teeth to serve their functions. When a tooth is damaged or decayed due to cavities, cracks or trauma, it can lead to infections in the teeth and surrounding gums.

Root canal treatment begins with a local anesthesia to numb the nerve, which prevents pain during the procedure.

Once down in the roots of your infected tooth, your dentist will clean out all decayed material. The root canal is then disinfected and filled with a sealant or filling material. Sometimes, the pulp may be removed and replaced with an artificial substitute that includes calcium hydroxide and antibiotics to prevent further infection.

Root canals are not as effective with long-standing problems, but they will allow your tooth to heal so that it can be restored when needed.

Who is root canal for

At the heart of every tooth is a pulp cavity which houses nerves and blood vessels. If bacteria from food gets inside the tooth, these microbes will produce toxins that cause pain, fever and swelling in the area around the nerves. A root canal is an operation that removes the infected tissue from around a tooth and replaces it with filling material.

Root canals are commonly used to fix teeth that have suffered damage as a result of tooth decay or an injury. Less commonly, root canals are also used as a treatment for chronic gum disease, where the root canal is damaged by inflammation.


A root canal may seem like an archaic and painful treatment option, but it’s actually not bad at all. Many of us are surprised to learn that we can go through life with a healthy and functioning top row of teeth while our bottom one is essentially the equivalent of toothless.